Talk-tr Digest, Vol 50, Issue 2
2014-01-06 12:54:50 UTC
Hi Warrin,
Firstly, thank you for your kind request for our opinion.
I am new to osm, so my words reflect my view.

I think the data you input must be based on Turkish names. Maybe it can be
multilangual if it is possible. The people who visit the battle field would
get much from Turkish names because they are the names currently used.

Remember that Allied Powers was at Gallipoli just for 8 months. So I am
against to see the landmarks with their naming.

Of course the memorials, and some important land marks which has referring
in English literature or army content can be good for anyone.

I request the view of experienced osm volunteers on this issue.

I also offer my help to find out current and historic names of the entities.
Arkadaşlar Merhaba,
Ben Gelibolu yer isimlerini, işgal kuvvetlerinin isimleri ile görmeye
Sizin de görüş ve önerilerinizi rica ediyorum.

-----Original Message-----
From: talk-tr-request-3+rWM/WnaLOn4i5uJCXUsti2O/***@public.gmane.org
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2014 2:01 PM
To: talk-tr-3+rWM/WnaLOn4i5uJCXUsti2O/***@public.gmane.org
Subject: Talk-tr Digest, Vol 50, Issue 2

Send Talk-tr mailing list submissions to

To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

You can reach the person managing the list at

When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than
"Re: Contents of Talk-tr digest..."

Today's Topics:

1. Fwd: Re: Mapping battle site Canakkale (Gallipoli), Turkey
2. Re: Mapping battle site Canakkale (Gallipoli), Turkey
(Roman Neum?ller)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2014 15:03:54 +1100
From: Warin <61sundowner-***@public.gmane.org>
To: talk-tr-3+rWM/WnaLOn4i5uJCXUsti2O/***@public.gmane.org
Subject: [Talk-tr] Fwd: Re: Mapping battle site Canakkale
(Gallipoli), Turkey
Message-ID: <52CA2B2A.6080409-***@public.gmane.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; Format="flowed"


I've found some Turkish maps of the Canakkale area - copyrite expired so
they should be useable to OSM. They are old .. say 1916? But should give
information on the historical battlefield. Some of these are Turkish!

Unfortunatly they are presented at 72dpi .. making the finer details

I've placed a few deatils from one of them .. yet to do more.

Did a little housekeeping in the area - road ending near roads but not
joined - joined where bing indicates, ways crossing ways - added nodes to
make routing possible etc.

On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 5:57 AM, Warin <61sundowner-***@public.gmane.org
<mailto:61sundowner-***@public.gmane.org>> wrote:


With the forthcoming services at I've taken the trouble of mapping
the present memorials (and their associated roads, paths .. in some
cases adjacent paths so people don't take the wrong ones) at
Canakkale (Gallipoli), Turkey. A few were maped in the south (mainly
British, about 4), one road was GPS sourced, other roads looked to
be bing tracings. I've tried to get them all (OZ, NZ and Turkish
mainly), there maybe a few left (at least 2 I think) but I've not
found them with bing.

The Question?
Should I now map the named ridges, gullies etc that were used by
'us' (and/or named by 'us') in the action? These would be historic
'English' names e.g. 'second ridge', 'valley of despair', 'cooee
gully'. My source for this is copyright .. so I'll need permission
from them (or another source). But before I ask for that I'd like an
indication that the mapped features would not offend you.

Apologies for the english language, if someone could translate it in
to Turkish it would be aprecialted.

Happy New Year


Talk-tr mailing list
Talk-tr-3+rWM/WnaLOn4i5uJCXUsti2O/***@public.gmane.org <mailto:Talk-tr-3+rWM/WnaLOn4i5uJCXUsti2O/***@public.gmane.org>

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Message: 2
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2014 09:17:18 +0200
From: Roman Neum?ller <email-UyRrOpOq+***@public.gmane.org>
To: talk-tr-3+rWM/WnaLOn4i5uJCXUsti2O/***@public.gmane.org
Subject: Re: [Talk-tr] Mapping battle site Canakkale (Gallipoli),
Message-ID: <***@bigmama>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1254; format=flowed;

it should be ok using english names
you could also use name:en tag...

I've found some Turkish maps of the Canakkale area - copyrite
expired so they should be useable to OSM. They are old .. say 1916?
But should give information on the historical battlefield. Some of
these are Turkish!
Unfortunatly they are presented at 72dpi .. making the finer details
I've placed a few deatils from one of them .. yet to do more.
Did a little housekeeping in the area - road ending near roads but
not joined - joined where bing indicates, ways crossing ways - added
nodes to make routing possible etc.
With the forthcoming services at I've taken the trouble of mapping
the present memorials (and their associated roads, paths .. in some
cases adjacent paths so people don't take the wrong ones) at
Canakkale (Gallipoli), Turkey. A few were maped in the south (mainly
British, about 4), one road was GPS sourced, other roads looked to
be bing tracings. I've tried to get them all (OZ, NZ and Turkish
mainly), there maybe a few left (at least 2 I think) but I've not
found them with bing.
The Question?
Should I now map the named ridges, gullies etc that were used by
'us' (and/or named by 'us') in the action? These would be historic
'English' names e.g. 'second ridge', 'valley of despair', 'cooee
gully'. My source for this is copyright .. so I'll need permission
from them (or another source). But before I ask for that I'd like an
indication that the mapped features would not offend you.
Apologies for the english language, if someone could translate it in
to Turkish it would be aprecialted.
Happy New Year
Talk-tr mailing list


Talk-tr mailing list

End of Talk-tr Digest, Vol 50, Issue 2
2014-01-06 23:59:40 UTC
I too am 'new to OSM'. But I think we should all be valued in our
opinions/thoughts and work. So if your 'new' or 'old' ... your
opinion/thoughts may help to come to a better understanding/solution?

I've now got quite a few things up. Some memorials I cannot guess at the
name so I've just marked them and left the name alone.

------- On Language
The Australian & New Zealanders who visit the site are primary
interested in the activities of their countrymen there and have probably
read one (or more) of the many books on the subject written from an
ANZAC perspective, some are NZ or Australian bias too! A search on
'trove' (Aust. National Library search engine - covers all the Aust.
librarys) for Gallipoli (as it is known here) comes up with 2,699 ..
these are book titles, 47 of them in Braille, some may be different
editions or different entries for the same book but still it is a lot
(long link
They use the 'English' names as that is what the book relates to - the
ANZACs on the ground. There are some recent books from the Turkish
perspective (available here in English). So my entries are towards the
ANZAC names used then, as that is what most Australians and New
Zealanders would relate too. I think the language issue is very much
dependant on the end user and their knowledge. I'd like to see both
languages available.

Hopefully the rendering will take into account the end users language
(and make sense out of complications I leave)?

I'm waiting on a response from the Aust. War Memorial regarding
copyright permission. If I get that I'll use the Turkish names (not
really a translation, but a Turkish name for the same object/place that
the ANZACs named something else) that I linked to previously, these are
by someone (I think you'd recognise the name?) who was there at the time
and is Turkish so would be a good source for time and place relevance?
If that does not come through the if you have a source without copyright
restrictions then go for it. On that site I'd rather have the historic
name than any new name ... as a mark of respect .. and as more usefull
to the visitors most of whom want historic information.

One problem is that the landscape is changing with errosion, cannot help
that, so a ridge then may not be so pronounced or maybe we just don't
have bullets wizzing around.

-------------- on OSM
I've had some trouble with the name:en .. as I have a source:name tag
and that gives me a warning message that I have a source:name without a
name tag .. though I have a name:en tag ... Think I'll get around it by
changing the source:name tag to just a source tag.

Looks like the beach and valley tags might work best as an enclosed area
rather than a line I have them at at this time. I'll change one and see
what that does. I'll have to learn how to match the beach line to the
shore line .. another tricky thing to do. So I'll do a valley first.

I've put 'gully' (a common Australian term for a dry creek bed usually
with sharp sides) in as an intermittent stream, used by an American as
found by googling.

At the moment it is a 'work in progress' ... another few days and I
should be finished until copyright comes through (or doesn't)? I'll let
you know for - me being 'finished' stage 1 - entries of what I have
copyright free, stage 2 Aust. War Memorial copyright permission yes/no,
stage 3 (if stage 2 yes) Turkish names + any other entries. That sound

If you have any comments - make them .. even if I reply with what you
might think a resounding counter argument, I'll still be thinking of
your first comment. Can take me a while to properly come to a good
solution/resolution of my thoughts.
Post by f***@public.gmane.org
Hi Warrin,
Firstly, thank you for your kind request for our opinion.
I am new to osm, so my words reflect my view.
I think the data you input must be based on Turkish names. Maybe it can be
multilangual if it is possible. The people who visit the battle field would
get much from Turkish names because they are the names currently used.
Remember that Allied Powers was at Gallipoli just for 8 months. So I am
against to see the landmarks with their naming.
Of course the memorials, and some important land marks which has referring
in English literature or army content can be good for anyone.
I request the view of experienced osm volunteers on this issue.
I also offer my help to find out current and historic names of the entities.
Arkadaþlar Merhaba,
Ben Gelibolu yer isimlerini, iþgal kuvvetlerinin isimleri ile görmeye
Sizin de görüþ ve önerilerinizi rica ediyorum.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2014 2:01 PM
Subject: Talk-tr Digest, Vol 50, Issue 2
Send Talk-tr mailing list submissions to
To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
You can reach the person managing the list at
When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than
"Re: Contents of Talk-tr digest..."
1. Fwd: Re: Mapping battle site Canakkale (Gallipoli), Turkey
2. Re: Mapping battle site Canakkale (Gallipoli), Turkey
(Roman Neum?ller)
Message: 1
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2014 15:03:54 +1100
Subject: [Talk-tr] Fwd: Re: Mapping battle site Canakkale
(Gallipoli), Turkey
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; Format="flowed"
I've found some Turkish maps of the Canakkale area - copyrite expired so
they should be useable to OSM. They are old .. say 1916? But should give
information on the historical battlefield. Some of these are Turkish!
Unfortunatly they are presented at 72dpi .. making the finer details
I've placed a few deatils from one of them .. yet to do more.
Did a little housekeeping in the area - road ending near roads but not
joined - joined where bing indicates, ways crossing ways - added nodes to
make routing possible etc.
With the forthcoming services at I've taken the trouble of mapping
the present memorials (and their associated roads, paths .. in some
cases adjacent paths so people don't take the wrong ones) at
Canakkale (Gallipoli), Turkey. A few were maped in the south (mainly
British, about 4), one road was GPS sourced, other roads looked to
be bing tracings. I've tried to get them all (OZ, NZ and Turkish
mainly), there maybe a few left (at least 2 I think) but I've not
found them with bing.
The Question?
Should I now map the named ridges, gullies etc that were used by
'us' (and/or named by 'us') in the action? These would be historic
'English' names e.g. 'second ridge', 'valley of despair', 'cooee
gully'. My source for this is copyright .. so I'll need permission
from them (or another source). But before I ask for that I'd like an
indication that the mapped features would not offend you.
Apologies for the english language, if someone could translate it in
to Turkish it would be aprecialted.
Happy New Year
Talk-tr mailing list
-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
Message: 2
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2014 09:17:18 +0200
Subject: Re: [Talk-tr] Mapping battle site Canakkale (Gallipoli),
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1254; format=flowed;
it should be ok using english names
you could also use name:en tag...
Post by f***@public.gmane.org
I've found some Turkish maps of the Canakkale area - copyrite
expired so they should be useable to OSM. They are old .. say 1916?
But should give information on the historical battlefield. Some of
these are Turkish!
Unfortunatly they are presented at 72dpi .. making the finer details
I've placed a few deatils from one of them .. yet to do more.
Did a little housekeeping in the area - road ending near roads but
not joined - joined where bing indicates, ways crossing ways - added
nodes to make routing possible etc.
With the forthcoming services at I've taken the trouble of mapping
the present memorials (and their associated roads, paths .. in some
cases adjacent paths so people don't take the wrong ones) at
Canakkale (Gallipoli), Turkey. A few were maped in the south (mainly
British, about 4), one road was GPS sourced, other roads looked to
be bing tracings. I've tried to get them all (OZ, NZ and Turkish
mainly), there maybe a few left (at least 2 I think) but I've not
found them with bing.
The Question?
Should I now map the named ridges, gullies etc that were used by
'us' (and/or named by 'us') in the action? These would be historic
'English' names e.g. 'second ridge', 'valley of despair', 'cooee
gully'. My source for this is copyright .. so I'll need permission
from them (or another source). But before I ask for that I'd like an
indication that the mapped features would not offend you.
Apologies for the english language, if someone could translate it in
to Turkish it would be aprecialted.
Happy New Year
Talk-tr mailing list
Talk-tr mailing list
End of Talk-tr Digest, Vol 50, Issue 2
Talk-tr mailing list
2014-01-07 01:11:25 UTC
Hi again,
Just reading the name tag wiki ..

Looks to me like
name= will take precidence over name:xx=
But in the last bit of the name wiki they mention an older method of
dealing with two names by

name= zzzz / yyyy where zzzz is one name and yyyy is the other. The " /
" (including the spaces) is used as a separator.

Might be best to use all so that 'we' inculde

name= zzzz / yyyy
name:en= zzzz
name:tr= yyyy

Ok? A a method? Think this would be good for all renderers? Ones that
are good enough to pick out the required language will go with the
tagged name:tr or name:en, otherwise they take the name= tag.
Now which comes first in the name= zzzz / yyyy ?! :) A more difficult

For sites where the majority of intrest/visitors/history AND the site is
used most of the conflict time by one side that sides name comes first?

If the site was used (occupied might be a better word) by the Turks then
I think the Turkish name should come first - no matter where the
majority of users comes from?

Something like that? Don't know. Try it and see?

Oh.. names used in 'no mans land' (the bit between the front lines)?
Any ideas there? Turkish? It is your country!

[ In some ways this is easy .. consider the Australians fighting the
Germans in France? But it will be usefull to get some guides here. Not
that I'm going to do that area. ]
Post by f***@public.gmane.org
Hi Warrin,
Firstly, thank you for your kind request for our opinion.
I am new to osm, so my words reflect my view.
I think the data you input must be based on Turkish names. Maybe it can be
multilangual if it is possible. The people who visit the battle field would
get much from Turkish names because they are the names currently used.
Remember that Allied Powers was at Gallipoli just for 8 months. So I am
against to see the landmarks with their naming.
Of course the memorials, and some important land marks which has referring
in English literature or army content can be good for anyone.
I request the view of experienced osm volunteers on this issue.
I also offer my help to find out current and historic names of the entities.
Arkadaşlar Merhaba,
Ben Gelibolu yer isimlerini, işgal kuvvetlerinin isimleri ile görmeye
Sizin de görüş ve önerilerinizi rica ediyorum.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2014 2:01 PM
Subject: Talk-tr Digest, Vol 50, Issue 2
Send Talk-tr mailing list submissions to
To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
You can reach the person managing the list at
When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than
"Re: Contents of Talk-tr digest..."
1. Fwd: Re: Mapping battle site Canakkale (Gallipoli), Turkey
2. Re: Mapping battle site Canakkale (Gallipoli), Turkey
(Roman Neum?ller)
Message: 1
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2014 15:03:54 +1100
Subject: [Talk-tr] Fwd: Re: Mapping battle site Canakkale
(Gallipoli), Turkey
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; Format="flowed"
I've found some Turkish maps of the Canakkale area - copyrite expired so
they should be useable to OSM. They are old .. say 1916? But should give
information on the historical battlefield. Some of these are Turkish!
Unfortunatly they are presented at 72dpi .. making the finer details
I've placed a few deatils from one of them .. yet to do more.
Did a little housekeeping in the area - road ending near roads but not
joined - joined where bing indicates, ways crossing ways - added nodes to
make routing possible etc.
With the forthcoming services at I've taken the trouble of mapping
the present memorials (and their associated roads, paths .. in some
cases adjacent paths so people don't take the wrong ones) at
Canakkale (Gallipoli), Turkey. A few were maped in the south (mainly
British, about 4), one road was GPS sourced, other roads looked to
be bing tracings. I've tried to get them all (OZ, NZ and Turkish
mainly), there maybe a few left (at least 2 I think) but I've not
found them with bing.
The Question?
Should I now map the named ridges, gullies etc that were used by
'us' (and/or named by 'us') in the action? These would be historic
'English' names e.g. 'second ridge', 'valley of despair', 'cooee
gully'. My source for this is copyright .. so I'll need permission
from them (or another source). But before I ask for that I'd like an
indication that the mapped features would not offend you.
Apologies for the english language, if someone could translate it in
to Turkish it would be aprecialted.
Happy New Year
Talk-tr mailing list
-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
Message: 2
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2014 09:17:18 +0200
Subject: Re: [Talk-tr] Mapping battle site Canakkale (Gallipoli),
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1254; format=flowed;
it should be ok using english names
you could also use name:en tag...
Post by f***@public.gmane.org
I've found some Turkish maps of the Canakkale area - copyrite
expired so they should be useable to OSM. They are old .. say 1916?
But should give information on the historical battlefield. Some of
these are Turkish!
Unfortunatly they are presented at 72dpi .. making the finer details
I've placed a few deatils from one of them .. yet to do more.
Did a little housekeeping in the area - road ending near roads but
not joined - joined where bing indicates, ways crossing ways - added
nodes to make routing possible etc.
With the forthcoming services at I've taken the trouble of mapping
the present memorials (and their associated roads, paths .. in some
cases adjacent paths so people don't take the wrong ones) at
Canakkale (Gallipoli), Turkey. A few were maped in the south (mainly
British, about 4), one road was GPS sourced, other roads looked to
be bing tracings. I've tried to get them all (OZ, NZ and Turkish
mainly), there maybe a few left (at least 2 I think) but I've not
found them with bing.
The Question?
Should I now map the named ridges, gullies etc that were used by
'us' (and/or named by 'us') in the action? These would be historic
'English' names e.g. 'second ridge', 'valley of despair', 'cooee
gully'. My source for this is copyright .. so I'll need permission
from them (or another source). But before I ask for that I'd like an
indication that the mapped features would not offend you.
Apologies for the english language, if someone could translate it in
to Turkish it would be aprecialted.
Happy New Year
Talk-tr mailing list
Talk-tr mailing list
End of Talk-tr Digest, Vol 50, Issue 2
Talk-tr mailing list
Stephan Balmer
2014-01-08 22:21:04 UTC
Hi mappers

Maybe my views on this issue are of some value because I've mapped a few
things in bilingual cities.
Post by Warin
Looks to me like
name= will take precidence over name:xx=
Renderers who have no prefered language set will use name= and not any
of the name:lg= tags. The name:lg= tags will be used once the renderer
knows about your language preferences. (I'm arguing from common sense
and not from knowledge about any implementation.)
Post by Warin
name= zzzz / yyyy
name:en= zzzz
name:tr= yyyy
This is what I do when the feature really has two natural names. This
happens in bilingual cities, and apparently with war memorials :-)
Post by Warin
Now which comes first in the name= zzzz / yyyy ?! :) A more difficult
This is often an arbitrary decision. I try to follow the order as
written on the signs or on the plaque.
Post by Warin
For sites where the majority of intrest/visitors/history AND the site
is used most of the conflict time by one side that sides name comes
Indeed this may serve well for a decision on the order. Though I'd say
as soon as you have a strong reason to prefer one you may as well omit
the other and add it in a separate name:lg= tag.

As a last rambling thought maybe you will encounter cases where it's
best to add two nodes next to each other because while the things share
a location they might not be the same thing at all. Like when marking
encampments that happened at different times by different armies. I have
no experience with mapping historical data though.

Paul Norman
2014-01-09 01:06:43 UTC
As might be expected, I've been involved in settling tagging in
a few disputed areas, so I've got some experience with differing names.

A few general principles apply

- name=* is for the name of the object, as indicated on the ground.
If there's no sign on the ground, you'd fall back to the name in the
language spoken there. This would probably be Turkish, but if all the
sites are only labelled in English for some reason, that's what the
name tag should reflect

- name:xx=* is for the name of the object, in the language xx. It is
not for the name of the object translated into xx, although that
may often end up being the same. As an example, my neighborhood has
an English name. You could translate that name into German (or
another language) but it would be wrong to put it in name:de, as
it's not the name of the neighborhood.

- You should avoid adding features which do not currently exist, e.g.
the sites of historical battles. OSM is not well suited for that.
For that kind of use you want to make an overlay, using OSM or
another map as the base map.
2014-01-11 01:48:36 UTC

Firstly The good news! I think I've found a copyright expired source for
Turkish names - published 1921, pdf here
An NZ view. Humm I should inform the NZ talk group too ...

Question. Who is the map for? I'd think this is a mix of languages -
mostly Turks and English speakers. Both would want to relate it to their
knowledge, and that knowledge would be (mostly) of the language used by
that individual.

Context - Site + Mapping
The OSM map should reflect the area - and that has been in part
dedicated to the conflict in this area. I think this comes about due to
the lack of use before the conflict and the amount of importance both
political and from the common people of this site. So battlefield
history maybe worth mapping here due to its present and foreseeable
future use? I don't know, I've put up one that I regard as battlefield
history - an area of criss crossed Turkish trenches that might still be
identifiable. I await Turkish feed back on it. I may not have it quite
the correct location - I'm working off hand drawn maps.

Labelling - language.
Firstly These are valleys, ridges and gullies. Not something with a
street sign. So the 'general principles' while a good guide but were
worked out for streets, where someone else has already provided a
solution. But I'd take them as a guide. Some things are refered to by
the original names .. they must have been available before the conflict
and used, so no conflict there!
Secondly I'd think these things would not be significant under normal
circumstances. But they are now to some. To most they are places they
have read about or seen in a film. Some have been named after the men
who fought there. Some have been named for there features or their use
at the time. E.G. 'Gun Ridge' so called by the ANZACs as that is where
the Turks had their guns.

As the fighting lines changed little of the conflict period .. I'm
thinking of using the names used by the troops at their locations. As
most visitors will primary be interested in their own troops areas that
should serve them well. By placing the ' / ' separator between any two
language names both sides can use the information - and the more
frequently used one would be first?
Post by Paul Norman
As might be expected, I've been involved in settling tagging in
a few disputed areas, so I've got some experience with differing names.
A few general principles apply
- name=* is for the name of the object, as indicated on the ground.
If there's no sign on the ground, you'd fall back to the name in the
language spoken there. This would probably be Turkish, but if all the
sites are only labelled in English for some reason, that's what the
name tag should reflect
- name:xx=* is for the name of the object, in the language xx. It is
not for the name of the object translated into xx, although that
may often end up being the same. As an example, my neighborhood has
an English name. You could translate that name into German (or
another language) but it would be wrong to put it in name:de, as
it's not the name of the neighborhood.
- You should avoid adding features which do not currently exist, e.g.
the sites of historical battles. OSM is not well suited for that.
For that kind of use you want to make an overlay, using OSM or
another map as the base map.
Talk-tr mailing list
2014-04-16 11:24:21 UTC

I have had no response from the Australian War Memorial (as yet). and it
is getting a bit late to make further changes for this year. So I've
done my best with Turkish names using F. Waite book 'New Zealanders at
Gallipoli' (expired copyright). Not all things are mapped, there are
some things that would be 'good' to map but they may not be there any
more .. a well near Hill 60 etc. They certainly are not easy to find
with satellite views. I've not put some things in as they may just
confuse people with too much detail.

I'm certain there is more to map on the Turkish side. And possibly more
Turkish names to add to what I've mapped. There will also be my mistakes

Please do any corrections you want, additions too. I'd be reluctant to
remove stuff, unless it is an error. Any complaints to me ...
particularly if constructive.



2014-01-08 06:25:30 UTC

Well I'm about done stage 1 - data entry.

The ridges and beaches I've left as lines - not areas. They do show up
ok on the maps I've seen. The valleys I've made into areas. The beaches
I may make later into areas.

All of the above are 'rough' and to reflect that I've not used many
nodes for them. Some I'm not certain of the location - so those may move
around! Sorry about that but the originals were probably hand drawn by
rather stressed people, so things are not precise. I had hoped to use
the bing satellite view to get better accuracy, but the objects are not
well defined there either.

Names ..
some have the :en done - others don't. I'll slowly get to them later.
I'll not be adding Turkish names yet as I don't have copyright free info
for that (yet, the Aust. War Memorial have acknowledged my application
and passed it on to some office, so a waiting game). I've not gone back
to that copyright information in order not to bias my present activity.

If you have Turkish names then add them to both name= and make a
name:tr= thingy by all means. Please don't delete any name info already
there - just add not subtract? OK?

There is what appears to be a Turkish memorial at 40.0949 26.20954, I've
marked it and put the track/road in for it. It should get a name? Has a
large star .. like on your flag so would have some national significance.